Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Cycle Day Two Under Way
Going back to work after a week off. That was a very nice sabbatical! I'm starting my day out with the Word of God to strengthen me and I've made a nutri-smoothie to fuel me :)
This morning's smoothie is a bunch of spinach, black grapes, red grapes and frozen mango with water.... simple and good. I'll sip it on the drive to Redlands this morning.
I've got my other supplements in my back along with some green tea. Thing to do today is to DRINK LOTS OF WATER :)
I'm excited!!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
And Cycle Four Begins
Aunt Flo showed up today.... I had expected her so it's not a big surprise like last month. Looks like my cycle is back to 24/25 days...
We're trying again for our baby so stay tuned.
What's different this time is I'm not obsessing. I'm temping CD3 and on vaginally... I'm still supplementing and going to really work on my water.
I should be ovulating on or about November 3rd.
One thing I'm happy about is my nutribullet! I'm mixing up maca and royal jelly in it everymorning with my fertility smoothie :)
My back is HURTING so bad and cramps are coming on so I'm no doubt gonna take advantage of that last vicodin tonite :)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Not what I want to hear...
As I waited downstairs for the lab to open to take my second blood test, The nurse from upstairs pulled me aside and upstairs and told me I was no longer pregnant... I'm grieving, I'm heartbroken and I'm so very hurt.
I go back to my doctor tomorrow and we need to have a serious talk. I feel had my doctor been more available to me, I would still be carrying my baby. Had I been able to test on the day I first had my positive, it may have been discovered my hcg levels were too low and I may have been prescribed progesterone supplement to give my baby a chance. It may be time for a new doctor if she can not be more accomodating.
B wants to continue to try and so do I. I'm not giving up on my desire to be a mom.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
No News is Good News...
So it's 7:36 pm and as I finish watching the debate, I think about my no call from Dr. Mba and I think... well her office said they're waiting for the results of tomorrow's test... But what thought crossed my mind is... well if they got a BFN on the blood test, I'm sure I would have gotten a call... I mean why draw more blood right?
I remain in faith and believing God for my desire, my baby, my child.
So how have I been feeling? well I had a bit of a headache on and off and I'm feeling quite warm. I've also had tuggings and feelings in my abdomen including a few sharp pins and I was dizzy/nauseaus while walking in Target on my lunch hour.
Lord I thank you for my baby :)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Waiting Game?
Started to bleed on Saturday and that went on to Sunday... no heavy cramping or clotting, just normal bleeding.
Today I went to Dr. Mba's and the urine test was negative. This is a LOT for my heart to take. Dr. wanted me to do a blood test so downstairs I went and gave blood to check my hcg levels.
I talked with B and let him know what's going on and we are both, actually all our family and friends, are praying for the baby to be okay and there... I'm walking in God's peace, but honestly it's a challenge... I hate this waiting game..
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