Cramps are still not as hurtful as last month but I can feel kinda a dull ache in my uterus.... Still praying for implantation and hoping I'm not stressing over this...
“Implantation bleeding (also known as spotting) usually lasts for a couple of days but every woman is different, so how long it lasts can vary. Sometimes it’s less than a day, occasionally it’s longer than a couple of days,” says Dr Rob Hicks.
So far mine has been off and on since yesterday...
“It’s believed to occur when the fertiised egg attaches to the womb lining. The bleeding is usually lighter than a period, and also happens before the time a period would normally have come,” adds Rob.
Bleeding has definitely been lighter than my period and arrived two days early.
Implantation bleeding is when the blastocyte (what the ball of cells is called before it becomes an embryo) implants itself into the lining of your womb. It can cause irritation and movement to the lining, which you’ll notice as spotting in your chonies, and you may even experience slight cramping or soreness.
OH YEAH FEELING THAT NOW! It occurs at around four weeks of pregnancy
(RIGHT WHERE I AM), which is why many moms-to-be sometimes mistake it for menstruation.
Occasionally moms-to-be can continue to have a light period for the first month or two after they get pregnant, so it’s worth taking a pregnancy test around the time your first period is due. If the bleeding becomes painful or particularly uncomfortable, you should seek out medical advice.
I'm seeing my DR Tuesday and want a blood test done
Here's what some ladies have to say:
“My first pregnancy I had implantation bleeding for five days, and during my second pregnancy it lasted only a few hours”
“I had bleeding for three days and at first I thought it was my period coming. I started to suspect I was pregnant when I didn’t get cramps or anything, and the blood was brown in colour"
“I experienced spotting with one of my children (I have four), and it was a very odd experience. It seemed to start off quite red, fade to pink and then to brown, and I had some light stomach cramps”
hi i am 7weeks+3 days and i had bleeding for about 3days, shortly before i found out i was preg, where i didnt have any period type pains or symptoms, i thought this was my period coming and started to suspect i might be preg when i didnt get cramp or anything.( it was also pink one day and brown the others, sorry a bit too much info!) i think it is 2 weeks after this bleeding you can find out if youre preg, but i might be wrong. i would recommend clear blue digi tests becuase for me they said posotive a good few days before any other brands. hope you get a bfp anyway let us know x
hi sirry just thought id change waht i said cause i just realised yu had got a positive result already, im so silly but anyway hope the rest of what i said was helpful to you...must be my pregnancy mushing my brain!!!
It's hard to judge with temping since I don't fully trust them, but I've had high temperatures! Last night my boobs were also quite tingly and this morning my nipples are darker too... I'm still too scared to take a HPT and will leave that for the DR visit...