Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cycle Day 23 10DPO

I have had this kinda barking like consistent cough this morning.... very flemmy... my temp also went back up to 98.09 so I'm wondering if that last dip was implantation... who knows, let's just move on lol!
My last AF came at 22 days and I'm past that... my other AF came at 24 days so I need to get past tomorrow and may test tomorrow at 11dpo or wait a bit longer....
I have crazy symptoms, but for real.... I'm not trying to read too much into it, because with my last pregnancy I had no signs; just the positive pregnancy test.

Being that it's today 10dpo, it appears as if the b6 and b complex has helped with lengthening my LP.
The luteal phase, also referred to as "days past ovulation", "DPO", or the "postovulatory phase" is the part of the cycle that starts at ovulation and ends the day before your next period. The average length of the human luteal phase is fourteen days (2 weeks). Between ten and sixteen days is considered normal, although luteal phases of less than twelve days may make it more difficult to achieve pregnancy. While luteal phase length varies significantly from woman to woman, for the same woman the length will be fairly consisten from cycle to cycle. The luteal phase is named after the corpus luteum (Latin: "yellow body"), a structure that grows on the surface of the ovary where a mature egg was released at ovulation. The corpus luteum produces progesterone in preparing the body for pregnancy. At the onset of the luteal phase, women's body temperature increases (Basal Body Temperature) in order to provide a fertile environment for the ovum. 
Most women have a luteal phase that lasts 10 - 16 days  (http://www.yourdays.com/luteal-phase.htm)
Today 10 temps are above the coverline.  All I can do is continue to wait :)
I just need to not stress that I'm sitting on top of... this could be AF... last time she didn't rear her ugly head until cd 32. I just need to kind of keep to myself and not let my family stress me cos LORD knows they can do that LOL!

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