Sunday, September 22, 2013

Grasping at Straws

I don't know if I'm over thing things, but maybe I am.... How possible is it that the last two days were not AF, but implantation?  I didn't test this morning as I gave up hope, but if that was AF she wasn't her usual witchy self.  Most blood was burghandy dark brown or vampire red.  Regarding flow, there was less than 30 hrs and most noticeable when I wiped.  AF is usually three days with the first two being very cramps and medium to heavy flow.  I had dull back aches and cramps and today on day three no noticeable blood, unless I wipe and it's totally old blood, brown and my cramps are more profound.
As I was popping my EPO capsules I thought, my period is over, why am I so crampy?  I put the capsules back in the bottle thinking for a fleeting moment, "what if I AM pregnant?"  These could be causing cramping.
Again I may be reaching, but it's worth to test again tomorrow morning.
If I hadn't implanted until three days ago it may take a while until I get a positive hpt??? 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Out and On

Will I'm bleeding more today... my temp dipped(still over coverline) and I had a negative pregnancy test... I'm out and on to the next cycle.
Here's my chart before revised to new cycle:

And here it is for my new Sept/Oct Cycle Day 2:

Friday, September 20, 2013

Test Results from Ultrasound

Good news! I got my ultrasound results and my endometrium is normal with a thickness of 3mm on cycle day3 
The ultrasound was taken on CD3 of my Cycle and all looks good with normal ovaries!!!

Implantatin Bleeding or the Witch?

Length of Implantation Bleeding

For most women who experience implantation bleeding, they will notice light bleeding for only one or two days. However, there’s no “hard” rule on how long implantation bleeding will list, since every pregnancy and every woman is different. For some women, implantation bleeding is very light, similar to one of the last days of your period, or a very light period day, when you just need to wear a panty liner.
Your implantation bleeding can last only a couple of hours, and then it’s gone. For other women, they might have spotting on and off for a couple of days. However, there are even others who claim that they had heavier implantation bleeding that lasted up to four days, just like an average length of a period.
Because the length of implantation bleeding is different for every woman, take a home pregnancy test if you are worried that you might be pregnant.
Like with a normal menstrual period, implantation bleeding will stop on its own.

Implantation Bleeding or Period?

Are you having menstrual bleeding or heavy implantation bleeding? If you are sexually active and having unprotected sex, you should always assume that you could be pregnant.
If you think that your spotting or bleeding could be implantation bleeding, ask yourself some questions.
  • How heavy is your flow?
  • What color is the blood?
  • Is there a pattern to the bleeding? Is it on and off, or a continuous flow of blood?
You are probably experiencing implantation bleeding and not a regular menstrual period in the following situations:
  • Your menstrual flow is scanty – on and off – and spotty. You aren’t continually bleeding, like with a regular period. You notice blood when you wipe, but it’s not a gush of blood.
  • The blood that comes out is pinkish to brownish. It is not heavy like a period.
  • The pattern of vaginal bleeding doesn’t follow the normal rhythm of your menstrual period. In a normal period, the flow starts off light, then gets heavier and heavier, and at the tail end of your period, the flow becomes light again.
  • You notice bleeding a couple of days, or a week before your scheduled period. Though implantationbleeding can occur at roughly the same time as your period, it can occur before your normal period.
If your periods have always been regular, and suddenly, you experience some spotting or light bleeding, you should take a home pregnancy test.
When your vaginal bleeding is a result of a regular period and not implantation bleeding, you will have a normal flow. The bleeding will be light at first and steadily become more moderate in flow and then heavy. For the last one or two days, you will have light, on and off bleeding, similar to implantation bleeding. Period blood is always bright red, and it can come with clots. You may have uncomfortable menstrual cramps, backaches, bloating, and feel pretty yucky while on your period.
Women with irregular or abnormal menstrual periods may experience their periods differently, but I am speaking in general about normal menstrual periods. If you have irregular periods, it may be very hard for you to know if it’s implantation bleeding or a period. So take a home pregnancy test to be sure whether or not you’re pregnant.

Comparison Chart – Implantation Bleeding vs. Period

As you can see from the below comparison chart, there are differences between implantation bleeding and normal period bleeding can be similar, but there are enough differences that if you pay attention to the flow, you can tell them apart.
This is a general comparison. Remember that every woman is different, but in general, these are the differences between Implantation Bleeding and a Period.
Implantation BleedingPeriod Bleeding
Scanty menstrual flow; on and off; spotty. Pattern is not normal. Light bleeding. Normal flow; Light at first, then heavy, and then light again.
  Lasts a few hours to 1-2 days3-5 days on average, can last up to 7 days
 Usually pinkish to brownish blood. No clots.Bright red blood. With a heavy flow, may include clots.
   Mild to moderate menstrual-like cramps.     Menstrual cramps.
Sometimes, spotting can be indication that your period is about to stop. Some women will spot on and off a few days before your menstruation begins, and this can really make it confusing to know whether it’s implantation bleeding or a period. So if you experience spotting, wait a few days and if your period still hasn’t come, take a pregnancy test.

Implantation Bleeding Symptoms

Along with implantation bleeding, you may experience some cramping. They may feel like menstrual cramps. Implantation cramping can occur alone, or with bleeding.
Implantation cramps occur because as the fertilized egg (the blastocyst) burrows and embeds itself into the lining of your uterus, it can cause your uterine muscles to contract. These contractions can pinch on nerve endings, which can lead to menstrual-like cramping for 24 to 48 hours, though sometimes it can a little longer than that.
Researchers don’t know why some women experience implantation bleeding and cramping, and others don’t. It’s possible that some women are more tolerant of aches and pains, and others are more sensitive to it.
Along with implantation bleeding and cramping, you may start to experience other early pregnancysymptoms, including bloating, fatigue, mood swings and emotional changes, headaches, acne, and other bothersome symptoms.

Implantation Bleeding Color

The color of implantation bleeding can vary from woman to woman. In a majority of the cases, it’s pinkish incolor. There is some variation on the implantation bleeding color, though. It can be bright red blood – signaling that it’s fresh blood, or new blood just shed by the uterine lining. Light brown to brownish blood – this is older blood, perhaps blood that was stuck in your uterine wall after the fertilized egg buried itself in your womb, and this blood has finally been shed – has also been reported as a normal implantation bleedingcolor.
As long as your implantation bleeding is not heavy or profuse, the color of your implantation blood doesn’t really matter. You should only experience spotting for a short amount of time, and you shouldn’t be experiencing much discomfort. However, if you are indeed pregnant, it’s a good idea to report your symptoms to your doctor and make sure you go in for all your prenatal visits to ensure your pregnancy is going well.

Can Implantation Bleeding Be Red?

Yes, implantation bleeding can be light to bright red in color. It can be normal to see red blood during implantation.
Bright red implantation bleeding signals that within your uterus or the uterine lining, there is an area that is actively bleeding, and blood is flowing from this area and out of you very quickly. It could be a sign that implantation has just taken place.

Can Implantation Bleeding Be Heavy?

Heavy implantation bleeding is not normal. Implantation bleeding is almost always light. You will notice it when you wipe and see blood on the bathroom tissue. Normal implantation bleeding should not be profuse, as this can signal that a miscarriage is occurring. You will want to contact your doctor if you notice heavy implantation bleeding to check out what is causing your heavy vaginal bleeding.

Heavy Implantation Bleeding

Because it is not normal to have heavy implantation bleeding, you will want to check with your gynecologist or healthcare provider to see if your pregnancy is still healthy, or if there is something else causing your heavy implantation bleeding.
Heavy bleeding can be a sign that you are miscarrying. It could also be a sign of an ectopic or tubal pregnancy – one that occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself in another part of your body; in most cases, in the fallopian tubes. Molar pregnancies – a pregnancy in which the embryo is missing but all the other tissues are still there – can also cause heavy bleeding.
So bottom line – check with your doctor about any heavy bleeding that you’re experiencing, especially if you think you are pregnant.

Why Home Pregnancy Tests are Important

If you have normal periods with an average flow, you shouldn’t have any trouble telling implantation bleeding from a menstrual period. However, if your periods are irregular, usually lighter in flow, you will need to take a home pregnancy test, or contact your gynecologist or healthcare provider and request a blood pregnancy test.
Testing for pregnancy will be the only way to tell whether or not you’re pregnant. You cannot verify your pregnancy without one.
You can only test for pregnancy after you’ve missed your period. Home pregnancy tests are not accurate until the day of your missed period (at the earliest). Don’t jump the gun and test too early. Their may not be enough human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in your blood stream yet. This pregnancy hormone first enters your bloodstream, and finally into your urine, which is the reason blood pregnancy tests are usually more accurate earlier on.
When buying a home pregnancy test, pay attention to the sensitivity, which will be printed on the packaging. Pregnancy tests sensitivities can range between 10 to 40 mIU/ml. Obviously, the lower the level, this means the lower concentration of hCG needs to be in your bloodstream before pregnancy can be detected. Testing too early can give you a negative result, even if you are indeed pregnant. So try to wait until your missed period, and test again if you think you are pregnant but the test reads negative.

Other First Signs of Pregnancy

In addition to implantation spotting and cramping, the other signs that you may be pregnant include breast changes (sensitive, tingly, swollen); extreme exhaustion and feeling insanely worn-out (similar to how you might feel during PMS but for some women, it feels 100 times worse); feeling nauseous; the need to pee all the time (frequent urination); and just feeling that something is off. Be on the lookout for your missed period – which is definitely the most obviously earliest sign of pregnancy. Pregnancy is so different for everyone. You might have only one or two of these symptoms, or none at all. But if you are ever worried, definitely take a test!
Good luck! Have any questions that this article didn’t cover? Leave me a comment below and I will try to answer them to the best of my knowledge!

DB Nguyen

I guess Red means I'm out...

I was feeling pretty good when around three I had to temp cos I had to pee so bad; my temp went back up...

And I just past my normal 12 day LP... I only felt a little dull cramping so I put on Sanford and Son and went back to bed...

When I woke up I saw red and my heart has nearly broken... Again.
I know I timed everything right and I am just SO SORRY GOD if I stepped on YOUR MIGHTY TOES....
Yes I'm angry... I want a baby more than ANYTHING and after saying YOU would give me the desires of my heart... YOU bring on Aunt Flo.....
Well I'm hoping this bleeding stops right quickly and I'm still pregnant...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Have we met? My name is Patience

Maybe God is trying to teach me patience since I decided to get pregnant...
Temp went up a bit but neg hpt.  May still be too early to tell since my cycles are irregular....
I'm just gonna give it time to marinate so to say and let AF STAY AWAY!!!  FF has me waiting to test until Saturday anyway so I'm Patience... How are you?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dip anyone?

Woke up this morning to quite a dip that I am now wondering could this be an implantation dip?
Implantation dips, however, are like The Tooth Fairy.... no one really knows.  I am today at cycle day 24 and so far no AF thank GOD!!! I pray I am pregnant and now understand why FF doesn't have me testing until Saturday.
Still I'm curious, but a bfn would add stress... shoot even the dip this morning worried me a bit because this is usually when AF rears her ugly head.
Just have to go with the flow and keep asking God for favor and to protect and let my egg stick and be nourished, turning into a healthy pregnancy.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cycle Day 23 10DPO

I have had this kinda barking like consistent cough this morning.... very flemmy... my temp also went back up to 98.09 so I'm wondering if that last dip was implantation... who knows, let's just move on lol!
My last AF came at 22 days and I'm past that... my other AF came at 24 days so I need to get past tomorrow and may test tomorrow at 11dpo or wait a bit longer....
I have crazy symptoms, but for real.... I'm not trying to read too much into it, because with my last pregnancy I had no signs; just the positive pregnancy test.

Being that it's today 10dpo, it appears as if the b6 and b complex has helped with lengthening my LP.
The luteal phase, also referred to as "days past ovulation", "DPO", or the "postovulatory phase" is the part of the cycle that starts at ovulation and ends the day before your next period. The average length of the human luteal phase is fourteen days (2 weeks). Between ten and sixteen days is considered normal, although luteal phases of less than twelve days may make it more difficult to achieve pregnancy. While luteal phase length varies significantly from woman to woman, for the same woman the length will be fairly consisten from cycle to cycle. The luteal phase is named after the corpus luteum (Latin: "yellow body"), a structure that grows on the surface of the ovary where a mature egg was released at ovulation. The corpus luteum produces progesterone in preparing the body for pregnancy. At the onset of the luteal phase, women's body temperature increases (Basal Body Temperature) in order to provide a fertile environment for the ovum. 
Most women have a luteal phase that lasts 10 - 16 days  (
Today 10 temps are above the coverline.  All I can do is continue to wait :)
I just need to not stress that I'm sitting on top of... this could be AF... last time she didn't rear her ugly head until cd 32. I just need to kind of keep to myself and not let my family stress me cos LORD knows they can do that LOL!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Is it me or is it just hot in here?

I know summer is winding down but good Lord!!! I just can't seem to cool down.  I went upstairs for a nap before leaving for work and for real just wanted to strip.... I'm here at work and my pants feel absolutely wet.... My temp went down a bit, but still over the cover line. I tested on one of the wofos I bought on eBay and big surprise negative... Didn't phase me because all the ovs were neg and digis pos.  I think I got a bad batch, still I'm waiting to test until at least Wednesday!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


This morning I feel like meh!!!!
I'm tired and want to sleep, have barely an appetite, I'm gassy and my right boob hurts so bad!
Mark decided to play Words with Friends with me, I can tell he's using an app for these words lol! There's nothing there between us but this game and I've accepted and am good with this.  My concentration is on my child.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Today's Charts CD20

How Do I Tell My Family???

This post was written several days ago and did not publish-
I've been thinking of it a lot lately?  I mean the last time wasn't that difficult to explain to my parents I was pregnant.  Fast forward to a year later and I'm not as financially sound as I was then and I moved not only myself, but my two fur babies home...
Yes I'm a bit concerned, but not to the point of letting it stress me or the baby. I cannot undone things even if I wanted to.  Bottom line is I wanted to be a mom.
I'm still looking for s better job and living situation to not put that added pressure on them.  Honestly with the condition of this country, the best thing I can do is stay here and help the household.
Any how things work out I'm keeping the pregnancy to me unroll after my 1st Tri.  But then I'm wondering if i should at least tell my parents... So much to think on

CD 20

Today showed a rise in temp...not too sure if the progesterone had to do with it or if it was because I had a solid three hours of sleep before I woke and didn't have to wake up early to pee.... Brb.. Felt a bit weird for a minute but no AF Thank Jesus!!!
I still have some days to go before I can test... A week from Saturday per FF... I'm going to start Peeing on a stick tomorrow morning and will save my two digitalis for the day of my missed period and after
It is SO VERY important I see a doctor as soon as I find out I'm pregnant.
I believe today's rise does mean implantation took place yesterday or the day before.  I'm praying for a rich/ thick enough lining for the egg and a long enough LP to give my baby time to grow full term!
My plans still are to have a new job/home by the end of my first trimester; before I tell my family.  However if that doesn't work out I'm prepared to tell them, I am trying to build my business and find a steady 9 to 5 so that I can take care of my responsibilities from decisions I have made.  All tho warranted, at this point in my life I do not need negativity or lecturing.  At that same time I'm not looking for more than your continued love for me and for your new grandchild.
I may write it in letter form first and give it to them with a picture of the sonogram..... What's important us that I stay stress free through this pregnancy.  I've been through so much to have this child and can't wait to hold her/him!!
Xo Desi

Friday, September 13, 2013

Should I or Shouldn't I?

I seem to recall my temps be much higher the last time I was pregnant...

Then again the last time I was using the progesterone creams...

I feel as if my period is coming on, I have this new zit and  i have twinges all day yesterday... my boobs are sore and I been wanting to eat everything in sight.... looking at this chart I didn't use the cream after all...

Of course implantation my still be taking place... just felt a pinch on left side... and temp may rise in a day or so right?

I haven't been tested for low progesterone or a thin uterine lining, all tho I had that ultrasound in February... still don't know the results...

 When saliva hormonal tests show low progesterone levels, that could indicate that you have not ovulated or that you are not producing the proper amount of progesterone after ovulation – which is called luteal insufficiency. The correct amount of progesterone after ovulation is very important for maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
In a study published in the Lancet, a group of 18 regularly cycling women, average age 29, seven of them (39%) were found to not be ovulating and were not producing progesterone.
Depending on what your fertility issues have been in the past. Many women ovulate and then have a drop in progesterone levels after ovulation (the luteal phase). This may be the cause of recurrent miscarriages or the inability to get pregnant. One way to tell if this is happening is to start fertility charting.
Fertility charting or Basil Body Temperature charting can help to determine the availability of progesterone in the luteal phase. There will be a slight rise in temperature after ovulation has occurred and progesterone has increased and stay increased until the period is about to begin. It will then drop. If you are pregnant the temperature will stay at its increased amount.
It is possible to conceive with low progesterone, but may be more difficult. It may be hard to maintain a pregnancy if you have low progesterone. Please read the answer to the question before this one.

What Does Progesterone Do?

  • Progesterone maintains the lining of the uterus which makes it possible for a fertilized egg to attach and survive
  • Makes cervical mucous accessible by sperm
  • Allows the embryo to survive
  • Prevents immune rejection of the developing baby
  • Allows for full development of the fetus through pregnancy
  • Helps the body use fat for energy during pregnancy
  • Prevents secondary sexual development
  • Increases libido around ovulation
  • Activates osteoblasts to increase new bone formation
  • Protects against endometrial, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer
  • Normalizes blood clotting
Length of luteal phase
If the date of ovulation is fewer than 11 days before your period, this could suggest luteal phase defects. You can detect ovulation using BBT charting, ovulation detector strip tests.
I've decided yes I'm going to use the cream.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dip Anyone?

It's cycle day 18 and my chart seems to dipping a bit...
Granted today's temperature is adjusted because I had to pee REAL bad about 15 minutes before my normal temp time... This morning I'm having some period like cramps and my breasts still feel tender. Last night, they felt like they were being tugged on... Back to the dip...., a free fertility charting online software company, did an informal analysis of the BBT charts on their site, to see if an implantation dip might indicate pregnancy. This was by no means a scientific study, but the results are still interesting to consider. They did a statistical analysis of just over 100,000 BBT charts, of both pregnant and non-pregnant women. They looked for a dip in temperature of at least 0.3 F, occurring between days 5 and 12 of the luteal phase. They found that on non-pregnancy charts that detected ovulation, 11% had an implantation dip. On the other hand, they found that on pregnancy positive charts that detected ovulation, 23% had an implantation dip. Looking at their statistics, twice as many of the pregnancy charts showed an implantation dip. However, it's also important to note that of the pregnancy positive charts, approximately 75% did not have the dip. Plus, on charts that were not pregnancy positive, 11% did show the dip. So while you're more likely to see a dip when you're pregnant, it is not a definitive sign of being pregnant, and not having the dip doesn't mean you're not pregnant. I actually get a small "dip" on my chart almost every month on day 7 or 8 post-ovulation, and I know other women who also show "implantation dips" on their charts month after month - but they are not pregnant. The funniest thing about implantation dips? The one month I was charting and did get pregnant, I actually did not show an implantation dip. The Bottom Line Having an implantation dip is more likely when you are pregnant, but it is not a reliable sign of pregnancy. Women can have the so-called implantation dip when they are not pregnant, and plenty of women who are pregnant do not show an implantation dip on their BBT chart. You can still have fun looking for an "implantation dip" - but there's no reason to get your hopes up if you have one, or feel disappointed if you don't. On the REAL this just makes me want some Onion Dip and Ruffles.... #realtalk Quoted from:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

New Video

This video is just a snippet of my journey...


I woke up tired this morning.  Usually I am awake before the alarm, but this morning my 5:30 am alarm startled me awake to take my temp.  I decided not to do the progesterone cream this cycle and I hope I'm not kicking myself in the butt.  I so want this to be the pregnancy that brings forward my child. Having a bit of gas and mild cram pines and tender breasts, but that's about it.  No one said this TWW would be easy, and two weeks may seem like four but it's the process.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Looking forward to my weekend

I am so happy today is my Friday at work, I'm kinda tired and just wanna have a few days to do me!
I also need to let this foot heal up...
Well that's about all.  I start in 15 minutes and get off shift at 12:30 pm.  This is definitely not a shift I want when I have the baby

Eating During the Two Week Wait

Eating is soo very important during pregnancy and I'm trying to make sure I'm keeping my growing baby healthy.  This is is breakfast: Greek yogurt, strawberries, bananas, flax seed and topped with honey! Breakfast time!
The flax seed is great for after ovulation.  I'm also doubling my B6 to ensure my LP STAYS HIGH to protect my baby!
My chart looks great so I'm sitting back in my funky pjs and relaxing!  Don't have to leave for work until 4 pm

Cycle Day 16

Not much to say.. it's early... I had a freaky shocking charley horse a few hours ago... It's 5:41 am and I am still tired, so gonna let Sitting Ducks Repeat and go back to sleep :) This morning's temp spiked at 98.17 I definitely ovulated :) I just hope my leg feels better for work... I need to totally rest it so it can heal from that nasty cut to the back of my ankle :) here's my chart: xo Desi

Monday, September 9, 2013

My new Home

Trying to decide on my new home with the baby.  I moved home in the interim, but I am so perfectly clear that I will not raise my baby here.
Thinking of going back to the apartment down a few blocks from my parents and a one bedroom should be enough, but I want a patio for my furbabies... Also thinking of renting a small house.. Decisions...

Cycle Day 15

Not too much to say today... I'm real tired. My ankle still hurts from the cut from hitting the gate on it... I'll ace bandage it later. I've taken the dogs downstairs and I'm in my room resting and watching Sitting Ducks... so tired... Here's today's chart: xo Desi

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Cycle Day 14: The Surge is Gone

Yesterday at 3:06 pm I had a negative surge on Clear Blue Ovulation, so my surge lasted a little over 24 hours. Today is 1 DPO and I am starting Bromelain until CD5. The Two Week wait is a trying time for most; been there, done that. This time around, I'm going in the mind-frame of keeping myself occupies and understanding this is time for my baby to travel and latch onto my uterus lining. I'm taking it easy and doing stress free activities. It's still rather hot here, so more shorts and wife beaters lol! I'm also back to making my dolls, which is very relaxing. I'm still reading the mocha journal a wonderful book you can pick up at There's an awesome section on going it alone that is so encouraging.
Here's my chart for today. My temp is still above the coverline, but dipped from yesterday's temp. Should stay higher than the coverline, which is the temp before ovulation and spike.
What I'm not gonna do is constantly pee on a stick and obsess. I have a deep feeling that fertilization has taken place and all I can do is wait for September 21, which is the date says I should test. As long as I keep my cool and relax I good. Nurturing takes place before the birth of the child. I'm starting now.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Cycle Day 13

I've been kinda tired today... long night at work last night and insem three at 12:30 am. It was also another hot one, but oh well :) The wonfo test strips are not working for me... here is my test from 12:22 am:
And here's my surge from 9:46 am:
Insem 12:30 am positive opk 12:22 am Positive opk 5:55 am Positive opk 9:46 am Will keep testing until the surge is gone to guess the time window of ovulation. My prayer is that I've already released the egg... I had in increase in temp today and I know three days of rise does clarify ovulation.
It's way to early to phsyco-analyze symptoms, however I am tired, have a bit of a headache and pinches on my sides where my ovaries are both right and left.
xoxo Desi

Friday, September 6, 2013

Cycle Day 12

Insem at: 12:00 am Big O twice... - opk at 5:30 am but still with 1st morning urine... Don't know if I trust these cheapie opk's much. Bought them on Ebay... usually these wofo's work great for me,bt this time I didn't see as much as a faint line... 11:30 am another neg on the cheapie opk (not even so much as a faint line), but a big fat smile on clear blue... so glad I bought the digital, I'm now wondering if I have been with a pos surge for several days... Glad I inseminated yesterday and have one more insem to do tonight when I retu
rn home from work at 12:30 am.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I found my Preseed!

Insem One Done

Well my fed ex showed up.... I did my first insem and it was a bit dotty as I had to keep my privacy and someone wouldn't leave the house lol. well I did it but was so damn mad I couldn't find my pre seed. I sure hope all goes well, I've been drinking more water than normal and taking epo, drinking grapefruit juice and taking mucinex.... yesterday I had a lot of wetness and creamy almost watered down cm and my cervix was very high and soft... hoping for the best. I orgasmed twice so hope it sucked the little spermies in and up to meet the egg. Used the instead cup, my use syringe tomorrow.... I will keep the instead cup in until a quarter to 11 pm and then insem again around 12 am before going to bed... I have my hips up and I'm going to try to stay like this for half an hour. Wishing for the best :)

Cycle Day 11

Maybe I was anxious for the day, but truthfully I just really had to pee! I had to get up an hour earlier this morning to pee, but thankfully found a temp adjuster to help me with this. This morning, my fertility friend notes say: 97.02 temp at 4:30 an had to pee so bad. Will use calculated to adjust temp. Temp adjusted with calculator at It's a rather peaceful morning. I'm thankful it cooled down to where I was able to stay upstairs in this summer heat. My furbabies are still asleep thank God! And the fed ex package is en route :) It made it's arrival into Ontario and I'm praying for it to get in my hands with no problems :) The day is just beginning, but so far so good... keep it together Dee don't lose your cool, don't stress and let's enjoy this experience. Now I'm on Fed Ex Man Stalker Watch.... LOL!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Roller Coaster Ride

This morning was one big roller coaster ride, with my temp going up again, not getting the full three hours rest before temping, it being too freakin hot to sleep upstairs.... calling fed ex to confirm they will bill my account for tomorrow's shipping and having them tell me no and the cost will be $107... trying to contact Todd and let him know what was happening and we may have to postpone and then venting on you tube.. then having Todd call me and call me down and set my mind at ease that my charge on the card will take place after the funds are in the account on friday.... I'm just happy I'm still on track and will now be able to insem Thursday, Friday and Saturday :) Todd is genuine and says he's here with me till we have the baby so I'm thrilled... now I'm just chilling out :)