Sunday, November 30, 2014

New cycle day 2

Day two and yes this us a period unlike last month... Only diff is I have this wicked headache on top of bitch cramps😒
I'm adding l arginine for my uterine blood flow. I'm still concerned my periods are so scant.  Also adding fish oil back in the mix. The health food store didn't have the Raspberry Leaf, but I got Yogi Moon Cycle Tea that has Raspberry Leaf in it.  My cramps are kicking my ass and I'm drinking this tea now!
NI this cycle will cover fertile cycle every other day starting next Sunday.  I'm trying my best to take it as easy and less stressful as possible.  I want this cycle to be the one that brings forth my baby

Friday, November 28, 2014

Ode to Black Friday

I cooked so much yesterday and barely was able to eat 3/4 of a cup without throwing up.
Thought this morning was different but very tired and slept in and having some pelvic twinges.. Tried to eat some dressing and corn pudding ( my faves) and just had to throw up :/
On top of that I have a MADDENING headache so.... There goes my online Black Friday shopping!

Monday, November 24, 2014

And the Results are in

Got my results from last week's pap and biopsy and all is Normal! Yaaay... now what about my baby????

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Test Now?

I'm so over my bbt chart looking a HOT mess.... I've decided to test in the morning if my temp doesn't drop or rise.... it's really crazy? Am I expecting a positive.... idk what I'm expecting at this point.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Still Puzzled

To this day I'm still so puzzled by my bbt chart. If that was a period today would be CD 11 or 12.  I had right side ovulation pain last night, but my temps are so low!  I have to go back to vaginal temping next cycle....
My ultrasound is Saturday and I expect happy news!  I actually dreamt during the ultrasound, the tech asked me how far along am I!  I know I'm dreaming!!! I do expect to find out from it and the biopsy that everything is good.  Now to talk with Kyle about new cycle!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The day after

Pain from yesterday's visit. An ectopic is never easy....
But it's not final and doesn't mean I did anything wrong; if anything it's assurance that I am fertile myrtle!
One thing I am going to do is relax.  Dr Warren said no sex for ten days so we're gonna skip this next cycle.  I'm also going to begin my weight loss for fertility. In tall and may carry it well, but I'm a good 42 lbs overweight, so I'm going to lose 44 and get back on my fertility to help me conceive in the next few months.  I know I can do it!!!
Also I'm putting in for two days off next cycle and will bd with Kyle every other day following the end if my period.
Time to put new plans in order. We're both ready! Plus like I said before, "I'm too cute not to procreate!" And Kyle was such a cute kid too, I can just imagine the cuteness of lil sug'!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A sad morning

Sadly bfn.  Dr did a pap and biopsy of endo. Says looks like I have a fibroid near my cervix.  Will have ultrasound next Saturday. Kaiser will not treat me for fertility due to my age.  I just can't stop crying...

Let's go to the Dr and see What's Up...

On my way to the dr.... spotting continued for the three days and yesterday I felt a painful tug on my breast and pinch
ings all day... this morning nothing and my temp has gone done to 98 F.... still over coverline, but I'm so tired of bbt honestly. Fairy dust all! I hope for good report saying I'm pregnant!

Sunday, November 9, 2014


I want so badly for things to go the way I want them too. This blog is all about my desire and journey to become a mom and while I'm not giving up... I sure wish things could be easier. My Dr's appointment is Tuesday morning. I want to take a test to see if I'm pregnant and this has all been implantation and or a light period.... I don't feel any other symptoms, but starting to believe you can't really trust symptoms anyway :( I'll be sure to tell Dr. that I had spotting that suddenly stopped.... today is very much like that day which means the most flow... which was so little was yesterday. I want an ultrasound of my uterus regarding implantation and check my estrogen and progesterone level Ann is such a dear friend, she is keeping me encouraged that this happens in early pregnancy. I'm so fortunate to have her as my sister and friend! Rob... is I don't know... I opened my heart to this man and he above any other totally broke it.

Looks like CD3

Idk but may be light period :(
No cramps and blood looks fresh and on toilet paper; very little in toilet.  Period smell. Was I getting my hopes up?  Could I still be pregnant and had spotted then my period started. What about that dropped temp this morning? Anyway planning for next cycle.  As much as I hate missing this one I may have to to get days off to do four strait days the beginning of December and maybe the day before this coming cycle... About a week from today... Still hoping for good news at Drs that I'm pregnant.  Friday was just weird and I usually bleed flowing and it doesn't just stop like that day.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

I'm hoping this is Implantation 101

Cramps are still not as hurtful as last month but I can feel kinda a dull ache in my uterus.... Still praying for implantation and hoping I'm not stressing over this... “Implantation bleeding (also known as spotting) usually lasts for a couple of days but every woman is different, so how long it lasts can vary. Sometimes it’s less than a day, occasionally it’s longer than a couple of days,” says Dr Rob Hicks. So far mine has been off and on since yesterday... “It’s believed to occur when the fertiised egg attaches to the womb lining. The bleeding is usually lighter than a period, and also happens before the time a period would normally have come,” adds Rob. Bleeding has definitely been lighter than my period and arrived two days early. Implantation bleeding is when the blastocyte (what the ball of cells is called before it becomes an embryo) implants itself into the lining of your womb. It can cause irritation and movement to the lining, which you’ll notice as spotting in your chonies, and you may even experience slight cramping or soreness. OH YEAH FEELING THAT NOW! It occurs at around four weeks of pregnancy (RIGHT WHERE I AM), which is why many moms-to-be sometimes mistake it for menstruation. Occasionally moms-to-be can continue to have a light period for the first month or two after they get pregnant, so it’s worth taking a pregnancy test around the time your first period is due. If the bleeding becomes painful or particularly uncomfortable, you should seek out medical advice. I'm seeing my DR Tuesday and want a blood test done Here's what some ladies have to say: SammyJayden “My first pregnancy I had implantation bleeding for five days, and during my second pregnancy it lasted only a few hours” fall3n-ang3l “I had bleeding for three days and at first I thought it was my period coming. I started to suspect I was pregnant when I didn’t get cramps or anything, and the blood was brown in colour" wannaother “I experienced spotting with one of my children (I have four), and it was a very odd experience. It seemed to start off quite red, fade to pink and then to brown, and I had some light stomach cramps” hi i am 7weeks+3 days and i had bleeding for about 3days, shortly before i found out i was preg, where i didnt have any period type pains or symptoms, i thought this was my period coming and started to suspect i might be preg when i didnt get cramp or anything.( it was also pink one day and brown the others, sorry a bit too much info!) i think it is 2 weeks after this bleeding you can find out if youre preg, but i might be wrong. i would recommend clear blue digi tests becuase for me they said posotive a good few days before any other brands. hope you get a bfp anyway let us know x hi sirry just thought id change waht i said cause i just realised yu had got a positive result already, im so silly but anyway hope the rest of what i said was helpful to you...must be my pregnancy mushing my brain!!! It's hard to judge with temping since I don't fully trust them, but I've had high temperatures! Last night my boobs were also quite tingly and this morning my nipples are darker too... I'm still too scared to take a HPT and will leave that for the DR visit...

Does this have to be so difficult?

Woke up and temped.... Almost so over bbt....
Well TMI:
Blood on pad was still way scant than my normal period... Which btw is suppose to start Sunday.  There was light blood in bowl. Praying its still just implantation.  Again waiting...

Don't count me out just yet

Okay if you're squeamish, here's your disclaimer: this post is extremely TMI.

Thought it was a light period, but only a little on pad and then later in the day none when I looked in bowl. At night tingly breasts and when I went to the bathroom clear urine and what looked like a long clear strand of discharge.
It's very possible I was spotting and not starting my period.  This makes me very happy, I'm still taking things day by day.  I'm up at 12:30 am watching CatDog and really need to get to sleep!  Set my FF chart back! We'll chart tomorrow and see where things stand.  

Friday, November 7, 2014

I won't cry now...

...but I will when I get home.  Aunt Flo reared her ugly head... I still have my Drs appointment Tuesday.  I wanna know why I'm struggling now!!! God all I want is my baby!!! Are You even listening....

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Morning cramps on CD23 11dpo

Feels like AF :( still no sign of her and hate to get my hopes up to crash to another BFN

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Today I feel especially Pretty :)

Yummy in my tummy!!

I'm sooo enjoying the Chicken soup Annie made me!  On my lunch break enjoying time away and thinking about the life that may be forming in me right now!!!
My temps jumped this morning and my prayer is that implantation not only took place but is successful!!

The crazy feelings if tww

It's CD 22 10dpo... good Lp. Not so sure about this cycle and that can drive me crazy!
Temping has been a mess with this cold, plus my sleep pattern is interrupted by having to pee so much.  
Bbt hasn't been so great.  I have full cramps since last night with a mild back ache.... AF is due Friday or Saturday and I hope she doesn't show!  I hope these are signs I'm pregnant and not getting ready to host AF.  We'll see.  Lord knows I been down this road before!   I'm gonna keep trying, but really want thus to be it so I can just nurture and care for the baby and breathe a little better.  Anxiety is a booger

Monday, November 3, 2014

Sleep N Eat

All I wanted to do today is sleep and eat... sleep all day since waaaay early in the afternoon and eat clams.... Okay so I'm not a symptom girl and I'm not about to hype myself up, just pray that this is my baby and I'll find out I am indeed pregnant in a week.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hmmm Maybe this Cold is a Good Thing!

Could it be that this cold is helping me conceive??? Well, there's not much online on the subject...probably not many studies done on it :) I did find some people swearing having a cold (or other minor sickness) increased their chances of getting pregnant due to the following reasoning: 1) when your immune system is down it increases the chances of sperm survival (because normally your immune system attacks sperm) 2) sometimes CM can increase when sick. Of course this all assumes ovulation hasn't been affected by the sickness. There are stories of couples who have tried for years and got pregnant when they were sick... so who knows. Guess we'll find out! :)


I've been experiencing some pinchings in my pelvic are that may be or may not be implantation. The egg stays in the fallopian tube for about 3 to 4 days. But within 24 hours of being fertilized, it starts dividing fast into many cells. It keeps dividing as it moves slowly through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Its next job is to attach to the lining of uterus. This is called implantation. Some women notice spotting (or slight bleeding) for 1 or 2 days around the time of implantation. The lining of the uterus gets thicker and the cervix is sealed by a plug of mucus. It will stay in place until the baby is ready to be born. Within 3 weeks, the cells begin to grow as clumps, and the baby's first nerve cells have already formed. My temp is still above the coverline and dropped a bit this morning.
I'm just trying to relax and stress less :) I'm studying for my Insurance exam.