Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Another Day in the Life of a Cycle

This morning's temp confirmed ovulation on CD 12.
I are a piece of pineapple core this morning and made a pineapple banana smoothie in honor of the castaways of Gilligan's Island!
No more temping, I'm just resting in my prayers to God to bless me with my child.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ovulation Day

Today is O day! Yesterday after dtd I came home to a positive opk and this morning to another temp dip.
So I'm off to take care of some business then back to Northridge for more baby dancing!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Peeing is the new "in" thing

As usual I show up to NI early lol! Been here about two hours with an hour to go and I'm alkaline pumping water with lemon and drinking  green tea and grapefruit juice to increase good Cm.
So far since I'm waiting at Target, I've made three visits to the bathroom! So I'm gonna sit here a while longer with an hour to go and tinkle and blog:) thank God for Target's free wi fi!!!
Yesterday I did see good egg white! I'm just praying this cycle we catch the egg and she sticks so I can love, nurture and care for my little baby!
No attempt is in vain.  I try to tell myself each try.  I wouldn't be doing all this unless I wanted my baby so very dearly!
Well I think I'm tinkled out lol! Let me see if this man is ready!!!